French Beginner Level
In this level you increase your level grammar and vocabulary and you will be able to express yourself functionally in various communicative contexts in present, near future and recent past.
You will be able to communicate in short conversations on familiar topics and understand short simple text.
French Lower Intermediate Level
In this level you will acquire a general command of some of the more complex structures in French language and a good vocabulary base. You will make a leap from expressing yourself at a functional level to achieving a certain level of fluency in the language, accompanied by a greater comprehension of the French way of life.
You will be able to sustain a conversation on familiar topics and will be able to produce and understand simple text with ease.

French Upper Intermediate Level
In this level you will feel comfortable communication in social situations and speak with a certain degree of fluency. You will largely expand upon your ability to debate and express opinions in detail; to link phrases and sentences cohesively and to converse about more specific topics outside the realm of commonplace linguistic interchanges.
You will be able to communicate effectively in most language situations. You will be able to understand and produce text in general and in specialized area of your life.
French Advanced Level
You will be able to express your ideas at more abstract level by perfecting your grammar skills and dominating idioms, as well as gain wider knowledge of French culture.
You will be able to speak fluently to near native standard. You will have an in depth knowledge and be able to use correct register for formal/informal situations.
At the end you have a sloid grasp of the French language and be are able to communicate effectively.

French Beginner Conversation
This class designed for beginners with no or little knowledge in French, and will establish a strong foundation and promote future success for years of study to come. You will form fundamental grammatical and communicative structure in French and will learn basic general ability to communicate in everyday situations :
Learn practical, common phrases that will make your trips to the many French-speaking regions of the world more pleasant
Learn dialogue specific to various settings such as greeting, talking about yourself, giving an opinion, like/dislike, going to different places
Discover the best pronunciations of French words and phrases
Learn cultural tips such as hand and body gestures that may mean different things in different cultures

French Intermediate Conversation and Composition
This is a course of intermediate difficulty in which students will be exposed to a variety of thematic vocabulary groups and be able to understand, speak, read and write them in the context of new linguistic and grammatical patterns. Classes will specialize in extensive speaking practice and weekly written work utilizing rich language while at the same time continually integrating idioms and newly acquired lexical items. Students will regularly deliver short reports and participate in group conversations on a variety of topics each week.